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Cleantech and Climate Change Podcast: CFO of SinglePoint, Inc. (OTCQB: SING) Discusses Solar Subsidiary's Growth and Scalability and the Future of Cleantech

"The reason I joined is, I thought it was the perfect opportunity based on my experience in being in this space, and scaling another national unique business model"

Stocks Discussed: SinglePoint, Inc. (OTCQB SING) , Quest Resource Holding Corporation (Nasdaq: QRHC), Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ), Owens Corning (NYSE: OC), Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) and Ballard Power (NADSAQ: BLDP) (TSX: BLDP.TO)


Point Roberts, WA and Delta, BC - February 6, 2020 ( Newswire), a global news source and leading investor resource covering cleantech and renewable energy stocks ( releases today's edition of the Cleantech and Climate Change Podcast, talking about today's problems and solutions for the future.

Today's special edition features an exclusive interview with Mr. Corey A. Lambrecht, Chief Financial Officer of SinglePoint, Inc. (OTCQB SING), discussing the company's solar subsidiary, Direct Solar and his vision for the company's growth and scalability.

Listen to the Podcast Interview with CFO of SinglePoint, Inc. (OTCQB SING)

Cleantech and Climate Change Podcast: Interview with CFO of SinglePoint, Inc. (OTCQB: SING) discussing solar subsidiary growth and scalability


Lambrecht, talking about his previous related experience said, "I've been in the public markets since the late 90's. From there I've joined a couple of different public companies that are focused in this particular sector (energy/cleantech). One of them was focused on energy management and I've been on the Board for over 10 years; it's a NASDAQ traded company. And I was also involved with another public called Quest Resource Holding Corporation (Nasdaq:QRHC), a national leader in environmental reuse, recycling and waste disposal services. I was President of Earth911 and during that time made the acquisition of Quest Holdings Corporation. We had unique business opportunities. We worked with companies like Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ), Owens Corning (NYSE:OC) and others to help them improve their recycling efforts and reduce their impact."

When asked why the timing was right to join SinglePoint as the CFO and help lead its solar division, Lambrecht noted, "What intrigued me about Direct Solar is their unique business model. And the business model around them is to really become the solar expert for homeowners and to help installers get qualified candidates out there that are looking to put solar on residential. They do it by the way of an asset-like model, which is very similar to what we built in the landfill diversion space (at Quest Resource Holding Corporation). We didn't have any trucks or services and we didn't own any of the landfills, so basically we were aligned with the material,l making sure it had its highest and best use going forward."

"In this particular scenario with Direct Solar, their model is to advocate for the homeowner. They don't own the installers, they're not tied to any certain panels, so really what they are trying to do is make sure they are helping the homeowners get all the paperwork done, make the right choice for their particular residential route and then match them up with an installer; a true win, win and a win."

When asked about 2020 and Direct Solar in his role as the CFO, Lambrecht stated, "What we are looking for as we get into a full years worth of growth, is to really accelerate those revenues on the residential side and use that as our foundation going forward into 2020 and beyond. And then hopefully as we've focused on some commercial opportunities as well, we can add those in. We had nice revenue growth throughout 2019. We learned a lot, absorbed the startup costs and it was successful."

On a personal note to shareholders, he commented. "It's been a long time coming to watch this get to he point where it is where you feel right now the timing is right. The price of solar panels has come down; it's not solely driven by just incentives. People are looking at the economic benefits. They're looking at the long term benefit of it and we are seeing there's a lot of room in front of us."

"I think one of the things for the shareholders of SinglePoint to make note of is that I have been involved with a national scale roll up like this in the past. There are going to be some bumps along the way but there are going to be tailwinds driving this particular industry for solar over the next number of years."

Closing off the podcast, Investor Ideas host and Lambrecht shared sentiments of the excitement in the cleantech space being shared by industry leaders and investors alike as a new era emerges. With stocks like Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) and Ballard Power (NADSAQ: BLDP) (TSX: BLDP.TO) leading the charge; the times they are a changing.

Direct Solar is a subsidiary of SinglePoint Inc, a technology and acquisition company. (OTCQB: SING). Direct Solar America is a solar energy brokerage with more than 3,500 home installations, which has enabled residential solar customers to shop for options in order to find the best option for the home. Like Rocket Mortgage or Lending Tree, Direct Solar representatives provide homeowners with a variety of financing and service providers; this has made the process of buying solar much easier for homeowners. Direct Solar is operational in eight states and continues to expand its residential solar footprint. Direct Solar Commercial serves customers that own and/or manage commercial properties. Along with Direct Solar Capital, an alternative energy financing solution, commercial projects have access to $50,000 to $3 million in funding for solar installations.

If you would like to be a guest on this podcast and tell your story please call me at 800 665 0411

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Thanks, that's it for today. Do something good for this beautiful planet each and every day.

Podcast host: Dawn Van Zant

The podcasts are also available on iTunes, Spotify, Tunein, Sticher,, and Google Play Music.

Visit the Cleantech and Climate Change Podcast page at

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